Thursday, February 12, 2009

Bathroom Candy

This is me and the little one ignoring the leftovers gathering bacteria on the table. My hubby surprised me by ordering, receiving and setting up a new computer in our kitchen (awwww, how sweet!). I'm hoping it will allow me to blog a little more frequently since this computer doesn't take over 5 minutes to load up a new webpage or new program. Thanks Sweety!

In other news, I have a new strategy regarding the keeping of chocolate. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm.... chocolate................ The strategy has several tiers of protection and will-power ain't one of 'em.
  1. Don't purchase chocolate. This method fails when chocolate is received as a gift or if I have an intense craving, which happens about once a month.
  2. Don't open the chocolate. This only works when the chocolate is reserved for something special, such as a dessert or special occasion and is purchased no more than one week in advance. And even then, there's more at the store!
  3. Store chocolate in difficult to access locations including top shelves, freezers, sealed in several layers of zip-loc etc. After a while it becomes such a pain to get it out each time, I just move it to an accessible location. But this works for a while.
  4. Keep chocolate in the bathroom. I discovered this as we use "en-en-ems" to help teach our son to use the potty. For as much time as I spend in the bathroom, I am not tempted. It is the bathroom, but I think the real reason is accountability. It's much harder to sneak off upstairs to the chocolate stash. Most of the time when I'm up there anyway, at least one of the kids is also with me and there's no sneaking anything past either one of them. Now my moral delimma is whether or not it's okay to use my toddlers for accountability partners rather than weigh if it's okay to eat an entire package of Oreo's in two days....


beth said...

i've heard from very reliable sources (i can't recall which they are, specifically... but they're definately reliable) that when you have a craving for a specific food, you should just go ahead and eat that particular food.

otherwise, you will keep trying to satisfy the craving with other foods & you will keep trying until you eventually just eat that particular food. and you could have saved yourself lots of time and calories by just skipping to the craving food.

plus i like that philosophy because it just involves eating the chocolate, not trying to figure out how to NOT eat it.


anne said...

What B says could be correct. All I know is that I ate 8 or 10 shortbread cookies yesterday. I'm pretty sure will-power isn't even in my vocabulary.

Also, I hear there is GREAT success with that potty training venture. My source also appears to be rather reliable.

Joy said...

Yes, without going into graphic details (which my hubby will gladly txt you.....), potty learning is an overwhelming success! And wow, is my dirty diaper pile ever small!

I have also heard that yes, you should go ahead and indulge a craving. But really, do you think they meant the entire package? the words "moderation" and "chocolate" are mutually exclusive in my chemistry. Unless it's really good chocolate. Then a little goes a long way.