Thursday, June 4, 2009

Hats For Sale

Grandma E. is cleaning out the attic. She found a large quantity of hats. Thing One now wears a hat practically everywhere. We had actually purchased this hat for general summer wear. If I recall, Thing One made quite the scene in the store as he wanted a particular color that was not available in his head size. We compromised and he gladly wears this one.

Papa Eckstein has always thought we'd have a little red haired girl. Well, here she is.

Elmo also participates in hat days. The engineer hat belonged to my husband - I let him (son, not husband) wear this one in public.

Howdy! This one was a favorite of Uncle Ames as a boy.

1 comment:

anne said...

My kiddo is totally into putting on hats right now. She even doesn't mind keeping hers on when she's supposed to!