Monday, February 23, 2009

Warning - Not for Children Under 3

One of the kids' adoring Tantes (aunt) bought my daughter some hair clips. We had been discussing how she (the daughter) doesn't like things on her head and in her hair but... her hair is growing in and I'd like to hold it back with something. Just hadn't found what I wanted. I'm not really up with the "doing the hair" thing. Mine rarely gets brushed. This is what Tante came up with:
Times 15. There are 16 of these little buggers in a rainbow spectrum of colors. And, they are cute!

They are not cute when Mama steps away from the lunch table to check on potty-boy and returns to find my little bugger using her hair clip to scoop yogurt into her mouth. I'm pretty sure I caught her on the first swipe as there was more "wo-gut" in her hair and on the barrette than on her face. Good for me. Did you see how tiny they are? Definitely swallow-able size. Bad for me. If I were receiving punishment from an old-school teacher, my lines would read: "I must not leave my 18-month old unattended with objects intended for children over 3." There is a reason they put warnings on stuff you know...

Saturday, February 21, 2009

We All Fall.... Down!

You may need to hike up your volume to hear the her singing. And please take some Dramamine prior to watching.

Friday, February 20, 2009

No More Babies

Today is my daughter's half birthday. Since I celebrate half-birthday's, I put together a little "day in the life of..." to commemorate both her step into toddler-hood. These images were collected over the past three days and by no means capture all aspects of her.
She's really a morning person, often greeting us with "mo-nin'" when we get her out of her crib. She gives hugs to "bun-bun" and "ugy" upon waking and insists I give them kisses. After breakfast, we watch out the window yelling "bye! Soon!" (as in, see you soon) to those going to work.
Favorite toys include blocks, books and anything brother is playing with. She's quite the accomplished builder.

If I am preparing lunch after 11:30 am, it takes me twice as long as it's hard to do anything with a little person attached to your legs.
However, once we get eating, it's all fun and games. "Wogut" (yogurt) is a family favorite. This picture was taken prior to spoon proficiency.

I typically get a lot done during nap time, but lately she's been practicing "crib gymnastics" which includes about 60 minutes of jumping, throwing things, removal of clothing, screaming, shrieking, singing, crawling and bouncing in bed. And also leads to less comfortable sleeping positions.

Eating is also a favorite activity.
Unfortunately, so is walking around with a cup. Since I don't use valves, we have a 'kitchen only' rule with the cup. That often leads to..... tears & tantrums.

This week was very exciting for new milestones... we are learning to jump, can use three words in a sentence (yay dow good = lay down Isaac, good dog) and have discovered a love of climbing. In fact, quite absent from the photos are all her renegade trips up the stairs to play in the diaper pail, the toilet or sit on her potty and climbing to play with the printer buttons. I some great cardio in today!
Yup. this means I'm preparing supper. Favorite bedtime songs are "a-ways" (The Lord is my Shepherd), "a-night ... a-day" (Angels Watchin' Over Me) and she is beginning to help pray by filling in blanks we leave and naming some of her favorite people (like Daddy and Bwoler (brother)) for God to bless.
Happy Birthday Sweetheart!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Bathroom Candy

This is me and the little one ignoring the leftovers gathering bacteria on the table. My hubby surprised me by ordering, receiving and setting up a new computer in our kitchen (awwww, how sweet!). I'm hoping it will allow me to blog a little more frequently since this computer doesn't take over 5 minutes to load up a new webpage or new program. Thanks Sweety!

In other news, I have a new strategy regarding the keeping of chocolate. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm.... chocolate................ The strategy has several tiers of protection and will-power ain't one of 'em.
  1. Don't purchase chocolate. This method fails when chocolate is received as a gift or if I have an intense craving, which happens about once a month.
  2. Don't open the chocolate. This only works when the chocolate is reserved for something special, such as a dessert or special occasion and is purchased no more than one week in advance. And even then, there's more at the store!
  3. Store chocolate in difficult to access locations including top shelves, freezers, sealed in several layers of zip-loc etc. After a while it becomes such a pain to get it out each time, I just move it to an accessible location. But this works for a while.
  4. Keep chocolate in the bathroom. I discovered this as we use "en-en-ems" to help teach our son to use the potty. For as much time as I spend in the bathroom, I am not tempted. It is the bathroom, but I think the real reason is accountability. It's much harder to sneak off upstairs to the chocolate stash. Most of the time when I'm up there anyway, at least one of the kids is also with me and there's no sneaking anything past either one of them. Now my moral delimma is whether or not it's okay to use my toddlers for accountability partners rather than weigh if it's okay to eat an entire package of Oreo's in two days....