Monday, February 23, 2009

Warning - Not for Children Under 3

One of the kids' adoring Tantes (aunt) bought my daughter some hair clips. We had been discussing how she (the daughter) doesn't like things on her head and in her hair but... her hair is growing in and I'd like to hold it back with something. Just hadn't found what I wanted. I'm not really up with the "doing the hair" thing. Mine rarely gets brushed. This is what Tante came up with:
Times 15. There are 16 of these little buggers in a rainbow spectrum of colors. And, they are cute!

They are not cute when Mama steps away from the lunch table to check on potty-boy and returns to find my little bugger using her hair clip to scoop yogurt into her mouth. I'm pretty sure I caught her on the first swipe as there was more "wo-gut" in her hair and on the barrette than on her face. Good for me. Did you see how tiny they are? Definitely swallow-able size. Bad for me. If I were receiving punishment from an old-school teacher, my lines would read: "I must not leave my 18-month old unattended with objects intended for children over 3." There is a reason they put warnings on stuff you know...

1 comment:

beth said...

yeah.... oops. but dang it, they're cute!!! :)