Thursday, April 16, 2009

What Were We Thinking?

Our family is on vacation this week in the southeastern part of the country. We made a stop in Nashville and it was recommended to us to visit the Rainforest Cafe, which was very close to our hotel. Todd and I thought, why not? The kids love animals! Yes, but not animatronic jungle animals who move and make loud noises in a dark restaurant and are bigger than Daddy. We stepped into the mall entrance at the restaurant and Thing One stopped stiff in his tracks at the sight of the restaurant gift shop still 25 feet away. Clue #1 ignored. Stepping into the gift shop with our "passport" should have been our second clue to go find a Micky-D's. Thing One jumped into my arms and clung to me for dear life as a python loomed 10 feet overhead.

We were then ushered into a dark dining room. At the precise moment I was putting Thing Two in her highchair, a "thunderstorm" started - lights flashing, sounds of thunder and hard rain. Coincidentally also at the same moment, the animatronic animals started doing their 'wild thang' and the gorilla which was approximately 4 feet from our table started shaking the trees, growling and grunting (or whatever it is you call a gorilla noise).

Our waitress took pity on us as both children cried for mommy and daddy to save them and seated us in the bar area which was well-lit and had NO jungle creatures in the vicinity. We were seated next to a lovely mist and rain machine and the kids enjoyed the "wa-fa" (waterfall) and the neon frog and alligator above the beer signs. Though I think at least Thing One was still a little nervous as he kept referencing the gorilla (which was now far behind him). They both adamantly refused to go look at the elephant but were interesting in viewing the hippo from a distance. I believe this is what they call a "character enrichment" experience. Yup, I am a stronger, smarter parent than when I walked in there and my kids are scarred for life.

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