Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Which comes First?

How do you prioritize when your family is sick? My answer depends completely on the situation.

For example, if your loving 2 1/2 year old says, "Mommy, I need a hug," climbs onto your lap then pukes all down your shirt (yes, inside, too), what is the first thing you do?

a) tell child you love him and your sorry he feels yucky?
b) call husband?
c) calmly assess the situation and devise a plan for action
d) puke on the child?

Yup, that's a toughie. I decided to go with a then c which resulted in b.

OR... You are just not sure what order to do things:
List: get dehydrated hubby some liquid, change poopy diaper, provide tummy-safe snack for hunger-cranky child, pee, feed dog.
This situation definitely gets resolved by addressing most annoying issues first:
Snack, liquid, dog, diaper, pee (if no one else needs anything - btw, maybe this is why women are prone to bladder and urinary tract infections?).

but alas, I still have time to sit here and blog as everyone in the house is asleep and I already did my Clorox wipe-down of the day. Now, here is a question to which I have no good answer: what do you feed your sick family and yourself for supper? Be careful, now. I don't want to eat anything major until I am sure I'm not going to see it again. But I can't live on crackers for a week, either. Help!


anne said...

Yikes...nothing worse than the sickies! :)

Joy said...

to answer my own question, we had homemade chicken soup from the freezer. Thanks mom!!!!